Practice Areas

New Construction Condominium Projects

For projects of five or more units, we provide a variety of services with the goal of obtaining a final public report from the California Department of Real Estate, including document drafting.

Condominium Conversions

We are experts in the intricacies of condominium conversion in San Francisco as well as outside of the City.

Vertical Subdivisions

We assist clients in creating condominiums from new construction units built on lots with existing rental housing.

Homeowners’ Association Documents

We work with Homeowners’ Associations to update documents that do not comply with the most recent revisions to the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act.

Easements & Encroachments

We draft all types of easement and encroachment agreements, including shared maintenance agreements, utility and access easements.

Tenancy in Common Agreements

We draft tenancy in common agreements for multiple owners with exclusive rights of occupancy and communicate with the Department of Real Estate, if necessary.